Upua assembly 14jan2009 :: 0:19:00 to 0:25:49
Total video length: 1 hours 14 minutes Stream Tools: Meeting Overview | Jump to a different time in this meeting
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Views:4,288 Duration: 0:06:49 Discussion
University Park Undergraduate Association Student Assembly 14-Jan-2009 Meeting
Adopted from: http://www.archive.org/details/upua_assembly_14jan2009
Academic and administrative discourse related to The Pennsylvania State University.
Student Assembly,
University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA),
The Pennsylvania State University
Meeting held 8:13pm on 14-Jan-2009
302 HUB, University Park, Pennsylvania
A listing of other University proceedings is available:
"Penn State University" AND "open meeting"
This is a private recording of an open-to-the-public event.
The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent
those of The Pennsylvania State University or other
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